The world first smart eco-friendly housing module 100% self-sustainable !
Catalog 2020
Exterior cladding styles :
Off the grid full autonomy and eco-friendly construction :
WATER (water condenser + gray water recycling)
The water autonomy is total. The system is not only capable of producing its own drinking water using the atmospheric water generator, but also allows the total recycling of gray water into clean drinking water. So you do not need to be near a water point, it is produced and recycled wherever you are !
ELECTRICITY (mainly solar energy)
The energy autonomy is also total. It is mainly supplied by a powerful installation of latest generation photovoltaic panels with a power of 345 Wp each. They supply a fleet of very stable lithium batteries with the best life cycle on the market. In low light, all of our modules can be equipped with a hydrogen generator to maintain optimal battery charging. Finally, it is also possible to connect them to the public network if you really want to pay bills ... More seriously, it is possible to add a wind and/or water turbine in addition to the solar panels if necessary.
SEWAGE (incineration toilet)
The SLIDES® are 100% autonomous in sanitation through the installation of standard incinerating toilet. The principle is simple, odorless, very hygienic and produces only ashes which can be used as fertilizer for your garden ! These toilets operate without water and do not reject any waste. The materials are simply incinerated in the combustion chamber. It must only be emptied on average every month. Indeed, a family of 4 produces only one bowl of ash per week ! These ashes will delight your plants because they will fertilize the soil.
All of the materials used in the manufacture of our SLIDES® are recyclable materials. Unlike conventional construction, no preparation of the ground is required, nor even earthworks or foundations. Indeed, the use of electrically adjustable feet allows a perfect adaptation to the ground. In addition, the acquisition of a SLIDES® does not generate any waste on your property and no noise pollution for your neighbors. The autonomy in water, electricity and sanitation places SLIDES® well above the Standards and constitutes a technological feat. It is high time to think about the future of our planet and to worry about future generations !
Thanks to a state-of-the-art home automation system, all the functionalities of intelligent and connected equipment are grouped together on a user-friendly and easy-to-use interface. This allows you to remotely control via the mobile application all the equipment provided, such as, for example, the lights, the Hi-Fi system, the television, the air conditioner, the entry lock, ... But it also allows you to keep an eye on your electricity consumption, the state of charge of the batteries, your water consumption and the level of the drinking water tank. The home automation protocols used are international and allow the installation of new equipment without any difficulty.
Scalable, various combinations possible :
parallel juxtaposition
parallel overlay
perpendicular juxtaposition
perpendicular overlay
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Order process :
Technical informations and equipments are on our catalog :